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Video marketing mobile app for Higher Education.



Goodkind is "the TikTok of Higher Education", using video messages to change the way Universities reach out and engage with candidates and students.


We needed to improve the effectiveness of video messages while reducing the cognitive load on advisors. We also wanted to improve the onboarding experience, allow advisors to use other communication options besides video messaging, and improve the video message recording experience.

Goodkind v1 Goodkind v1


Goodkind Goodkind mobile app v2

To improve the effectiveness of video messages, Goodkind shifted the role of the recorder to an advisor role. Each advisor was assigned a student or prospect as part of a campaign with a clear goal. This change made it easier for advisors to follow and convert each student assigned to them.

Advisor role Advisor role

To improve the onboarding experience, Goodkind added three great example video messages and allowed advisors to record an intro video they could start sharing right away. This change helped new advisors to understand what a good video message looked like and get to the "Aha" moment quickly.

Onboarding experience Onboarding experience

To improve the video message recording experience, Goodkind added a teleprompter-style script, pinned audience custom attributes, and support for basic and custom Snapchat filters. These features made it easier for advisors to record high-quality video messages.

Recording experience Recording experience


  • The new version of Goodkind's mobile app helped to expand the capabilities of the previous version by adding text-based messaging, video calls, and hot lead tracking.
  • The new app made it easier for advisors to identify the right students to record a video for and the right moments to do it to improve conversion rates on each step of the admissions funnel.
  • With this redesign we expanded our exisitng design system, which helped to improve the overall consistency of Goodkind's brand and products.