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Cover Image for Chango


Civic engagement web app

Brand DesignProduct DesignUIUXFront-endBackend


Civic engagement progressive web app (PWA). Personal project, designed and developed as a proof of concept. Geographic Information System (GIS) with social features intended to make civic engagement fun.


In today's interconnected world, people are craving for ways to engage, collaborate, and make their voices heard.


Chango Chango: (chahng-goh) MASCULINE NOUN 1. (primate) (Mexico) a. monkey

The development of Chango, a civic engagement progressive web app (PWA), was designed and developed as a proof of concept. The brand was created with the goal of making it friendly and playful, with a color scheme inspired by Mexican architect Luis Barragan.

Chango Branding Splash screen

The UX and UI for the MVP were designed and prototyped using Adobe XD.

Chango Prototype Prototype

Meteor was chosen as the tech stack, allowing for easy handling of Front End, Back End, and DevOps. Google Maps was used to display a map with the location of posts.


  • Chango was launched in under three months from branding to final deployment.
  • The development of Chango allowed me to learn about devops, databases, and other backend technology.
  • Chango also served as a white-label product for similar projects using social media and geolocation capabilities, as the creator developed LaPazQuerida's site as a white-label product.
  • This initial version of Chango allowed for testing with real users, helping to better understand their motivations and increasing civic engagement.